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          Firm of the Year

AIA Florida 

DAG is the first firm to have ever won this award twice. 


"DAG Architects exemplifies the best of Florida Architecture. To be Firm of the Year, a firm must demonstrate three things, excellent culture, strong design, and dedicated community service. DAG Architects excels in each of these areas. As a firm, they have a strong culture that promotes consistent quality design work throughout the Florida Panhandle. Community participation is one of their core values which helps to enrich life through good design. Congratulations to being Firm of the Year and a stellar example of our profession."

- Stephen Panzarino, AIA, NCARB 2020 AIA Florida President 


AIA Florida Northwest

         Honor Award for New Work


         Viera Corporate Offices 

         AIA Florida Northwest 

         Award of Citation for Unbuilt Design 

FAMU Entomology 1.jpg



          Dune Lakes Elementary School 

          AIA Tallahassee 

          Award of Excellence, Honor Award 


          HD Supply Leadership Development Center 

          AIA Tallahassee 

          Interior Design Award, Merit Award 


          FAMU Food Services Design 

          AIA Tallahassee 

          Unbuilt Award, Merit Award 


          Florida A&M University Entomology Research Lab Facility

          AIA Florida Northwest

          Award of Merit for Unbuilt


          Gulf Shores Mixed-Use

          AIA Florida Northwest

          Honorable Mention for Unbuilt


          Pen Air Federal Credit Union Back Campus

          AIA Florida Northwest

          Award of Honor for Unbuilt


          Pen Air Federal Credit Union Car City Branch 

          AIA Florida Northwest

          Award of Merit for Unbuilt 


          Beulah Middle School 

          AIa Florida Northwest

          Award of Merit for New Work 


          The HUB Pavilion 

          AIA Florida Northwest 

          Award of Merit for New Work 


          Thirty-One on 30A

          AIA Florida Northwest

          Honorable Mention for New Work

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gainesville bo diddly plaza architecture design urban planning programming venue florida architect downtown



Dune Lakes Elementary School 

AIA Florida Northwest

Honor Award of Excellence for Unbuilt


Beulah Middle School 

Healthy Facilities Institute

Healthy & Safe Facilities Award, Honorable Mention 


Bo Diddley Plaza

AIA Florida 

Honor Award of Excellence for Renovations / Additions

Honor Award for Masonry in Design 


St. George's University Lecture Hall 

AIA Florida Northwest

Honor Award of Excellence for Unbuilt


Florida A&M University 800-Bed Dormitory

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award of Excellence for Masonry


McIlroy Residence and Addition 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award of Excellence for Renovations & Additions


McIlroy Beach Penthouse 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award of Excellence for Interiors


Dune Lakes Elementary School 

AIA Tallahassee

Merit Award


Bay County Courthouse Addition 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award of Excellence for Interiors


Perdido Key Community Center and Fire Station 

Fire Industry Equipment and Research Organization

FIERO Merit Award for Fire Station Design Excellence


Beulah Middle School 

Florida Educational Facilities Planners Association 

Architectural Showcase First Place Award for Middle School 


Bo Diddley Plaza

AIA Florida 

Honor Award of Excellence for Renovations / Additions

Honor Award for Masonry in Design 


Bo Diddley Plaza

AIA Tallahassee

Honor Award


Rosemary Beach Owners' Center

AIA Tallahassee 

Honor Award 


Commanding Officer’s Compound Outdoor


Bo Diddley Plaza

AIA Florida Northwest

Honor Award of Excellence for New Work


Florida A&M University Student Union Concept 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Honor Award of Excellence for Unbuilt 


Beulah Middle School 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award of Excellence for Unbuilt 



Sherwin Williams Store in Destin 

Associated Builders and Contractors North Florida Chapter 

Merit Award for Commercial Less than $1 Million


Okaloosa County Administration Building 

Associated Builders and Contractors North Florida Chapter 

Merit Award for Institutional Over $10 Million


McIlroy Residence 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award of Excellence for New Work 


Rosemary Beach Owners' Center 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Honor Award of Excellence for New Work 


The HUB 

AIA Florida Northwest

Honor Award of Excellence for New Work 


Bo Diddley Plaza

AIA Florida Northwest 

Honor Award of Excellence for Unbuilt


Perdido Key Community Center and Fire Station 

Mason Contractors Association of America 

TEAM Award 


Florida A&M University Gore Educational Complex

AIA Florida Northwest

Honor Award of Excellence for Renovations 


A. Crawford Mosley High School Building 1 Renovations 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award for Excellence in Renovations

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Perdido Key Community Center and Fire Station 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award for New Work 


Rosemary Beach Owners' Center 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Honor Award of Excellence for Unbuilt 


Chipola College Center for the Arts 

Associated Builders and Contractors North Florida Chapter 

Eagle Award for Institutional $10 to $30 Million




Viridian Sunrise House 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award for New Work 


DAG Architects

Emerald Coast Magazine 

Best Architect on the Emerald Coast



The "V" Restaurant at the Viridian 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Merit Award for New Work 


Gainesville CRA Office Building 

Southeast Building Conference

Aurora Award for Commercial Building


Gainesville City Beautification Board

Award for Excellence in Design


Sacred Heart Hospital on the Gulf 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Merit Award for New Work 



Gainesville CRA Office Building 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Merit Award for New Work 


Cassine Station 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Honor Award for New Work 


Northwest Florida State College South Walton Campus 

AIA Florida Northwest

Merit Award for New Work 


Gainesville 13th Street Pedestrian Bridge 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Merit Award for Unbuilt 


NatureWalk Welcome Center 

AIA Florida Northwest 

Honor Award for New Work 


DAG Architects

Emerald Coast Magazine 

Best Architect on the Emerald Coast



The Viridian 

AIA Florida Northwest

Honor Award for Unbuilt


Cade Exhibit and Event Building 

AIA Florida Northwest

Honorable Mention Award for Unbuilt 


WaterColor Fire Station 

AIA Florida Northwest

Honorable Mention Award for New Construction

naturewalk center rosemary beach architect design seaside alys inlet florida upscale interior design-build style architect coastal
Viridian Residence - 002.jpg

Atlanta    I    Destin   I   Panama City

Pensacola   I   Tallahassee

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